Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Whoever you are, whatever your faith...

Cultures the world over participate in festivals each winter. Some celebrate the winter solstice, some the start of a new year, and others find unique causes for commemoration. We now take time to celebrate with our families, to re-new friendships, to forgive transgressions and say in our own ways,

Christmas, Christian ~ Hanukkah, Jewish ~ Kwanzaa, African American
Winter Solstice. Celtic ~ Imbolc, Celtic/Neopagan
Las Posadas, Mexican ~ Yule, Germanic ~ Soyal, Hopi
Diwali, Hindu ~ Dong Zhi, Chinese ~ Rohatsu, Buddhist ~ Yalda, Persian

Seasons Greetings

1 Comment:

dpaste said...

Wait! What about Eid Al Fitr!


Thanks for the all-inclusive greetings. Same to you.